Passing both chambers of the legislature, Senate Bill 268 would, among a variety of provisions, create the Division of Alcohol Beverages (DAB) within the Department of Revenue (DOR) and assign to DAB the authority to regulate and enforce Wisconsin’s alcohol beverages law through two bureaus dedicated to: (1) enforcement and (2) legal services, permitting, and reporting. The bill further amends the definition of “fermented malt beverage” (beer) to include any beverage recognized under federal regulations as beer, except sake or similar products, and allows a person who made homemade wine or beer in another state to transport up to 10 gallons of the wine or beer into Wisconsin for purposes of participating in a competition or exhibition that complies with state law, is held by a national organization, and has participants from more than 25 states.
Changes to Wisconsin Alcohol Laws on Governor’s Desk

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.
See Pete Johnson's ArticlesLinks:

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.
See Pete Johnson's Articles