Brewers Association and MicroStar Quality Services Collaborate to Return Lost Kegs

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In the normal course of business of keg leasing, service, and repair, MicroStar receives and returns approximately 30,000 stray kegs per year. MicroStar’s current stray keg inventory is over 5,000 kegs. Microstar has requested that Brewers Association help facilitate the return of these stray kegs to their rightful owners.

Visit to see if your brewery has stray kegs in Microstar’s inventory. Contact Microstar at to arrange for the return of your kegs.

Please know that MicroStar paid normal deposits and shipping when they received these stray kegs. The brewer is responsible for reimbursing MicroStar for these charges and for arranging and paying freight charges.

Why do I have to pay to get my kegs back? Read about deposits, freight and handling costs. In the end, paying freight and deposits is far less expensive and far faster than replacing a stray keg with a new one.

The issue of stray kegs costs every brewer between $0.46 and $1.37 per-barrel of annual keg production. was established to help make sure lost kegs are more easily returned to their brewery owners. Please register your brewery’s kegs, and do your part to help return strays you receive to their rightful owner. Your efforts will help decrease the cost of great beer.