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September/October 2020

Sales & Marketing

For the September/October 2020 The New Brewer, we present our annual Sales & Marketing issue. COVID-19 has tested craft brewers like never before, and they’ve proven their resilience by shifting sales from draught to packaged, pioneering new pathways to market, collaborating with their peers, setting up safe and welcoming spaces for their fans, and exploiting 21st century technology. In this issue we also take a look at setting up a quality plan for your brewery in an excerpt from Quality Labs for Small Brewers; and explore ways in which craft brewers are using non-bourbon barrels such as tequila, gin, and fernet to add unique twists to their beers.

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Sales & Marketing

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Shifting Sales Strategies

America’s brewers responded to a world turned upside by shifting sales from draught to packaged, pioneering new pathways to market, and exploiting 21st-century technology.

Sales & Marketing

Featured Stories

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The New Brewer: Sales & Marketing

The Hybrid Approach:

Craft breweries should examine their online approach to the pandemic as well as enhancing the in-person visit to maximize the customer experience.

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The New Brewer: Sales & Marketing

Collaborating in a Crisis

As the country moved into crisis mode this spring and summer, many craft brewers found themselves with plummeting sales and unexpected free time in their schedules.

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The New Brewer: Sales & Marketing

The Future of Buying Local

It’s been a matter of faith, it would seem, that the trend of America’s love affair with local would continue indefinitely. But what if that’s not true?

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The New Brewer: Sales & Marketing

Setting Up Your Quality Plan

In this excerpt from Quality Labs for Small Brewers: Building a Foundation for Great Beer, the author discusses how to set your brewery up for success with a focus on quality.

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The New Brewer: Sales & Marketing

A Broader Palette

Bourbon may dominate the market for used barrels, but some craft barrel-aging artists are using a broader palette that includes gin, rum, tequila, fernet, and other unique notes.

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