If there is one common principal that everyone shares in the beer industry, it is the importance of ensuring the quality of every beer that reaches consumers. We often think of sparkling beakers and pristine white lab coats when the idea of quality control is discussed, but maintaining certain standards does not necessarily require a brewery build-out or excessive costs.
(MORE: Build a Lab on a Budget)
The Brewers Association technical staff and committees work to provide guidance, checklists, videos, manuals, and seminar presentations, stressing the importance of implementing and maintaining a quality program. These resources cover the range from fundamental approaches to more advanced techniques. Regardless of how much beer we produce or how long a brewery has been in business, there is value in reviewing and revising the approach to quality. So, I’ve compiled a list of five valuable resources to help maintain and improve quality standards.
1. Build the Pyramid
The Quality Pyramid describes the essential components of a formal quality program, including the order of approach.
2. Establish a Base
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) are the building blocks to outline, share, and execute the standards necessary to ensure quality and consistency in the brewhouse.
3. Starting with Quality
This presentation from the 2017 Craft Brewers Conference (CBC) provides a deep dive into ‘knowing your beer’ and what to consider while starting a lab program.
4. Refine Your Processes
Once again, we draw from past CBC presentations to provide some insights on detecting contamination & yeast cell counting and viability.
5. Finish Strong
Whether or not you have a tap system on site, the draught quality manuals can arm you with tools and knowledge to ensure that your beer is delivered to consumers just as you intend.
Want to go deeper? Consider attending a Basics of Beer Quality Workshop, reviewing the ASBC Methods of Analysis Training, and getting your copy of Quality Management: Essential Planning for Breweries.
Have questions about accessing Brewers Association resources? I’m happy to help.