A Breakdown of the 2020 Year-End COVID-19 Legislative Package for Craft Breweries
This information summarizes the different portions of the COVID-19 relief bill that will most impact small and independent breweries.Read More
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Brewers Association Director of Federal Affairs Katie Marisic provides federal affairs updates about what is going on in Washington, D.C. and the issues that the Brewers Association is currently working on.
This information summarizes the different portions of the COVID-19 relief bill that will most impact small and independent breweries.Read More
On Dec. 27, the president signed into law the year-end legislative package that includes targeted COVID-19 relief and makes the existing federal excise tax rates for small and independent breweries permanent. The Brewers Association applauds the passage of this bill.Read More
Late Monday night the House and Senate voted to pass a $2.3 trillion federal spending package that included targeted COVID-19 relief as well as language from the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act, making the existing federal excise tax rates for small and independent breweries permanent.Read More
Once passed, the COVID-19 package should provide many breweries much-needed assistance to weather the next few months, with CBMTRA providing certainty and continued savings. Read More