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Self-Distribution Bill Fails to Clear TN Committee

Failing to advance from committee, S.B. 217 sought to allow beer manufacturers to self-distribute beer within a 100-mile radius of the manufacturer if the manufacturer brews 50,000 gallons or less annually. Read More

Tennessee Bill Raises Sales Cap

S.B. 1594 and companion H.B. 2597 seek to increase the number of barrels a manufacturer that operates as a retailer may sell from not more than 25,000 to not more than 40,000 annually. Read More

Cross-Tier Ownership Issues Addressed in TN

Companions H.B. 731 and S.B. 421 seek to prohibit a manufacturer from holding a direct or indirect interest in any wholesaler or establishment that holds a license for consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises and a nonresident seller from …Read More

Beer ABV Increase on Tap in TN

Companion bills H.B. 499 and S.B. 502 redefine beer as having alcoholic content of up to 18 percent by volume (current definition is up to 8 per cent by weight). Read More

Tasting Privileges Expanded in Tennessee

Signed by the Governor, Senate Bill 2096 authorizes a licensed alcoholic beverage manufacturer to use items related to or incidental to the tasting of alcoholic beverages manufactured on the premises and to rent or lease out any portion of the …Read More

TN Sales Expansion Proposal

Senate Bill 640 seeks to authorize a beer manufacturer operating as a retailer to sell beer directly to another retailer if located in the same county; allows a beer manufacturer to operate as a retailer at the manufacturer’s location or …Read More

Sampling Bill Introduced in Tennessee

Senate Bill 1554 authorizes the holder of a brewer or beer manufacturer’s permit to serve samples of the product made at the premises to any person of legal drinking age with or without cost or to include such samples as …Read More

Increased Barrel Cap Proposed in TN

Companions H.B. 2019 and S.B. 1960 increase the amount of beer a manufacturer may sell annually at retail from 25,000 barrels to 30,000 barrels. Read More

Tennessee Governor Signs Bill to Allow Retailer Privileges at Breweries

Signed by the Governor, House Bill 639 makes applicable statewide, instead of in certain areas only, the authority for a beer manufacturer to operate as a retailer at the manufacturer’s location or a site contiguous thereto. Read More

Homebrew Legalities Clarified in Tennessee

Signed into law, S.B. 376 allows a person to make beer without a license or permit under certain circumstances and allows homemade beer in certain exhibitions, contests, and competitions. Read More

Displaying results 21-30 of 39

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

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